Friday, January 21, 2011

The Hearts Angst

She stands with toes at waters edge
watching the tide that never ends
she drops all from her hands
and lets the ocean breeze in

The wind has carried away her hair
making a tumbled mess
that briefly covers her eyes

There is no need for her to see
for her heart hears the steps
of angst and waiting
of wishes unfulfilled and dreams
swirling about still riddled with giddiness
that will not leave
as easily as she desire

She waits on waters edge
toes into the sand and hands empty
she reaches down to gather what she can
sand and shells
bits of dried grasses
only to watch it fall
in random patterns all about

Nothing changes
no one arrives on winds of sea
Nor along with sands
that have been dried by the mid mornings sun

She falls to the ground gently on knees
and lets her head sink to feel the beach give way
Tears mix with water and swirl about

Salt and sand
Sun and beach
Nothing in hand