I love a good conversation about just about anything. When my phone rang last night I knew this would be a good one. Phone calls, out of the blue are always the best. It turned out to be a conversation about relationships. A question was put forth...Do women want to be the princess who needs to be saved? This can be taken so many ways and I do tend to look at every angle but like most respond with the answer that most easily pops into my head. We will get to that later. Second part of question, Do women know how to be the princess and Why aren't they allowing themselves to be the princess?
First off, let's paint a picture of sorts. The princess is in distress but not necessarily in a horrible or dangerous predicament. It is the soft side men are looking for, the vulnerability we don't show because we are scared too. This is the result of broken hearts, disappointment and years of having to take care of ourselves. The feminist movement was great for a lot of things but it did take away the princess.
Can you be vulnerable enough to be the princess and still be independent? Yes, I think so. Find a balance and let a man do a nice thing for you. It can be as simple as deciding where to go to dinner or bringing you home a soda without you asking him to. This doesn't make you any less a woman; in fact it makes you more of one. Being vulnerable doesn't mean we lose ourselves to the point of invisibility.
We have now discussed an example of how to be the princess and why we don't allow ourselves to be the princess. Men need to be needed just like we want to be needed. If we can do everything for ourselves, what do we need a man for? Maybe we don't need them but boy, when we have good one in our life you have to admit it makes things sweeter.
So, be the princess. Put your trust in someone on a small scale and let him or her buy you that soda. On a large scale, things get a little more complicated. Isn't that what life is all about? Complicated doesn't have to mean life is unsatisfying. Taking chances and letting the Lords slay the dragon can be a good thing. Check out his smile as you commend him on a job well done. Watch him grow in confidence in himself and you as these things come to be.
We are to walk at Adams side, not in front or behind him. We are equals in many ways but must allow Adam to choose the path. My answer to the question: "Do women want to be the princess who needs to be saved?" Yes, but I do not need to be saved. Correction, I was thinking of the larger picture and not the small daily ones. I do want and need to be saved like most women. For a man to make an effort to hold a door, give a compliment, pick the milk up on the way home may seem like small gestures but they are welcome ones. The bigger picture falls into place when we let these happen.